Why Ayurveda suggests soaking almonds overnight and eating them without the skin?

Almonds are a protein source that help stabilise blood-sugars, lower blood pressure, and also have antioxidant properties," said ayurvedic practitioner Geeta Vara.

Many people soak nuts, especially almonds, before consuming them. But have you ever wondered why? Ayurvedic practitioner Geeta Vara recently explained that nuts like almonds can be difficult to digest for the body, and hence must be soaked before consumption.

Almonds can be difficult to digest as the skin contains anti-nutrients — tannins and phytic acid — that inhibit nutrient absorption and can aggravate pitta in the blood. So they are best eaten after being soaked overnight and by removing the skin. Soaked almonds have a softer texture, taste sweeter and buttery, and are much easier on digestion,” she said in an Instagram post.
Almonds are related to the peach and apricot family. “Almonds are one of the most nutritious nuts. They contain high levels of monounsaturated fats that are known to reduce LDL cholesterol (‘bad’ cholesterol). Almonds are a protein source that help stabilise blood sugars, lower blood pressure, and also a rich source of antioxidant properties,” said Geeta.

They are a rich source of protein, fibre, vitamin e, omega-3, omega-6, magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium and zinc, too.

They considered sattvic and therefore a tonic to the brain and nerves. They also increase the power of memory, she asserted. “They are supportive to all the dhatus (body tissues) and improve strength and muscle weakness, right down to the reproductive tissues, and hence support sexual vitality also. They pacify the vata dosha due to their sweet taste. Almonds are helpful during any kind of bleeding disorders like heavy menstrual periods,” she added.

How to have them?

Geeta said she prefers to add them to her breakfast porridge in autumn and winter, and nourishing smoothies during summer. “They are super versatile so you can add them to almost any dish,” she mentioned while stating that having them in the mornings as part of the breakfast is a must.
